Tuesday, September 25, 2007

We've tried it all...

Butt Paste, Nystaten Cream, Desitin, Neosporan, Monistat Cream, Powder, Baking Soda, air drying while taking naps, sensitive wipes, no wipes, washcloths, mild soap...and finally this...

We finally had to take little Miss Elliot to the Dr. yesterday because her diaper rash is so bad that she was having open sores on her hiney. I can only imagine what it must feel like. She will cry to the point of losing her breathe if anything that stings touches it. She has had a rough few days but hopefully with her new prescription and some more neosporan (as this is the only thing that doesn't seem to burn) we will move on to tomorrow and hope that it will look better in the morning!

And no, Keaton has never had even a hint of a red hiney! Wouldn't that be the case...MEN! (But I guess he is making up for it with reflux...BTW...we are going on 3 weeks without having to wear a bib!!! Guess God blessed me with one less month of the dreaded reflux!)
If anyone out there has had this problem and knows something that works without any pain...please feel free to share. We'll keep you posted and let yall know if we find what works! Until then, enjoy your pain free hineys!


Dallas said...

Resinol!!!!! I love it and it saved my life when Nora would get bad rashes. You have to ask the pharmacy for it though. It is kept behind the counter. But, you don't have to have a prescription for it.

Poor Elliot! I hope she feels better soon!

Leslie said...

During our NICU stay I heard a mom swear by an old family recipe for just this occasion. She said you cook up some baking powder for a few minutes and wipe it on the hiney. Sounds strange I know. Her great grandmother used to do. Email me if this doesn't make sense. We haven't tried it yet. I can't imagine how much that must hurt. So sad for E! Hope it clears up.

Tad and Michelle said...

We had great luck with mixing equal parts aquaphor ointment and maalox. It smells horrible but mix it in a small container until it looks well blended. Note: it makes a mess while mixing. Anyway after a bath apply generously. Then after every diaper change I just kept using it. The ointment helps heal and seal the sores, the maalox helps reduce the acid. It seems wierd, and it stinks, but it works. You can keep it in a container with a lid for a while. Aquaphor is sort of expensive (compared to Neosporin) but well worth it. Good Luck!

Geo said...

Ok, so you know I had to go to Monkey Butt dot com. Fun website and hey there is a PHOTO GALLERY. Serious... cracked me up when I saw that icon!

Tesney said...

I, like Dallas, am a big fan of Resinol. Hope her hiney is A-OK soon!

CoopMiaLivvyDad said...

Vaseline, believe it or not. It's the most effective ingredient in "triple ointment." My dermatology attending told me that neosporin prolongs the healing process because 35% of the population was hypersensitive to it. Also, if there is candida present, the butt should be bare as much as possible. Hope that helps.