Friday, September 7, 2007

I love the changing of the seasons???

Does anyone else out there have a lake as your main water source?

Supposedly as the weather changes with the seasons, the water turns in the lake and flips from top to bottom. So twice a year, our water smells & taste like dead fish! I have been so good at forgoing coke for water but it may be back to cokes for a few weeks. Back to filtered or bottled water for Miss E. They say the water is fine for drinking but would you want to drink water that smells like the bottom of a lake? And we all know what people do in lakes that they don't do in pools...YUCK!

Oh well, just a wonderful thought for the day!


Also I have been tagged (thanks Allison) to share 8 random facts you may not know about me. Bare with me on these...

1. I was run over by a car when I was in 2nd grade. I was running out to catch the bus and didn't notice a car coming around the bus. The bumper hit me in the side, the rear view mirror caught my head and the wheels ran over my foot. Trying to be brave, I told everyone I was ok and rode the bus home (45 minutes) and then got off the bus and started crying when I saw my mom. We went to the ER and all was fine but I had to stay off my foot for several days. I have this weird "extra ankle" now because of it.

2. I LOVE to cook. I think this comes from my long line of great cooks that I come from! I love to try new recipes. My current new favorite is my vodka sauce lasagna...YUMMY!

3. I would love to be a better photographer. I have always like taking pictures and I have never been happy with the 'ol point and shoot cameras. I guess I should take this up as a hobby.

4. I love naps! I know some people think that napping is a waste of time but now being a mom of two, I truly know that value of a good nap. Don't be afraid to take one moms out will help you get through those afternoon fussies!

5. I may write a book. A friend of mine & I are thinking of writing a book compiling all the stories of our friends who have struggled with fertility and how they got through the hard times. This would be a book of encouragement and hopefully one that will help so many people out there who struggle through this issue in silence. If you have any thoughts on this, please feel free to comment or email me. I would love to have some feedback on whether or not people feel this would or would have helped them through their journey. Ashlee and I know that we looked for something like this when we went through our struggles.

6. I would love to create the perfect bag for moms of multiples! After traveling through an airport with two 10 month olds, I realize that all diaper bags stink!!! Nothing is big enough, wide enough or has long enough straps to comfortably pack for an entire day for two kids. If anyone has a great bag suggestion that is already out there, please share. I am desperate for a good bag!

7. Oh this is getting hard to think of two more....

I hate doing laundry. I don't know why I just don't like it. I let it pile up until it is out of control. I am good about keeping up with the kids but fortunately I have a husband that usually helps out with the laundry. Ry, you're the best baby!

8. My Harding friends & family know this but our newer friends that we have made in NWA and blog friends may not know that I went to school for a semester in Florence, Italy. Through this program I was able to travel to 11 countries and will forever feel that Florence is my 2nd home. I also changed my major upon returning from biology to international business.
Whew...done with that! Thanks for indulging me.
Finally, Michael David Saeva was born yesterday! Our friends Danny & Laura welcomed in their sweet baby boy yesterday morning. That didn't find out what they were having (as they didn't with their first daughter Kate) and were so surprised when out came a little boy. We are so happy for them! They are also about to move to London for two years to do an expat program with Disney. We will miss them terribly but hopefully will get to go over for a visit! Congrats you guys on your perfect little family!


Jody said...

I loved reading about your trip and seeing all of the pictures. Your kids were too cute in the sand! Loved it! Your Elliot sounds like my Addison! ; )

I would love to talk to you about your book idea! I think it would be great. Email me when (if) you have time.

Happy weekend.

Leslie said...

Our trash can has smelled like dead fish for a week now. I can't get rid of it! Your post made me laugh!
I also need some of your recipes.