Spring is in the air and that means FOOTBALL BABY! Well, the Red/White game at least. Since our kiddos are now a little older, able to venture out at the end of flu/RSV season and now go to bed past 6:30, we were able to take them to their 1st Razorback scrimmage. The Red/White game is the best option for families with small children because it is in the cool of the spring, there is a family friendly atmosphere (none of those irrate, drunk Hog fans from L.A. that we have all been forced to sit by at one time or another (How do they get good tickets anyway? Would people quit selling off their tickets to just anybody?)) and best of all...IT IS FREE!!!
After starting the weekend with a touch of stomach virus for Keaton, in true Hog Fan fashion he remarkably improved by Saturday afternoon and we headed down to Fayetteville for the game. We skipped a lot of the pre game festivities since that is geared toward kids who are a little bit older (and I am sure after a touch of the stomach bug, hot dogs & a big bounce house wouldn't have been the best combo for KG!) and we headed straight for the stadium. This year they made it more like a real game so it added to the excitement of a new team, new coach and new era for Razorback football...Plus the fact that D-Mac had just gone as the 4th pick in the NFL draft!

I will just say this...THE KIDS LOVED IT! They had a ball and we could not keep them in their seats! They weren't sure at first what was going on but once the band started to march into the stadium and the cheerleaders and mascots came out, the were into it hard core! Elliot wanted to imitate everything the cheerleaders were doing. Both kids called the Hogs and made us so proud and were having the time of their lives...that was until our newfound friends that sat in front of us shared their popcorn that my children had been salivating over. Once the corn was out, the game was an afterthought.
Obviously too much going on to want to stop and take a picture!
I am happy to say we made it through one quarter before knowing it was time to leave so we did not experience any public meltdowns. The kids did great and Keaton jabbered about it the entire way home! Bless his heart he was so excited he could not keep it in!
On the hike back to the car we stopped for a photo op at the Hogs statue outside the Broyles center. As you can see the kids were more into their Dum-Dums than the Hogs. Oh well, can't ask for too much at 18 months!
All in all this was a great day for our little family! Also, its hard to tell from these pics but E's shirt said "ARKANSAS" and KG's said "RAZORBACKS". They were way too cute!
holy cow! they are too cute! (even if they are in arkansas outfits) ;) hee hee! glad you guys had a great time! here's looking forward to those aTm/razorback games! fun times!! (i am LOVING your pictures woman!)
I am totally NOT a razorback fan, but it is too cute that they know how to call the Hogs. What a fun day.
How much fun! Love the pics of Elliot cheering! Adorable! Looks like it was a beautiful day, too!
Too cute! Chad & I have season tickets so hopefully we will see you guys! Go hogs!
Well, duh. The reason they weren't into those Hog statues is because they wish they were Aggies!! Don't worry KG & E--we'll take care that you can fulfill your wildest dreams of being Ags!
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