I have great friends who hold each other accountable. I LOVE my friends even when they tell me tonight to blog because I have been boring this week. This coming from one of my favorite, always up to date blog friends and another who will remain nameless because she STILL hasn't started a blog and just likes to read ours! I must confess that I hate blogging without pictures. I guess I just think you all would rather skim over the antics of my life and just look at the cute pics of my kids. Apparently, some of you like the stories as well! So here goes with the latest from this week and other random thoughts from my cluttered brain...
1. Funny Keaton story....WARNING: Skip down to #2 if you have consumed food in the last hour!
So it was bathtime. The kids were in and I was at the sink doing the nightly ritual of washing the sippy cups of the day. I notice Keaton standing and it is as if he has sat on something and then upon standing, that "thing" has stuck in his little cheeks. I could not figure out what that "thing" was since it was a strange shade of mossy green with purple circles. I stop washing cups to take a closer look only to find he was pooping and WHOLE GRAPES were coming out! Oh I did NOT sign up for this! Luckily I caught him in time, held him over the potty, cleaned him up and salvaged a perfectly good tub of water and his sister!
2. Why no pictures you ask? Well, believe it or not, I am waiting to receive my 3rd, yes THIRD camera. The first one died completely after a week of use. The second one came with bent prongs in the CF Card area. So, let's hope third time is a charm and we will be up and posting new pics by this weekend.
3. I have actually read some books lately that I highly recommend! If I have read two books in the last couple of months you know they have to be good.

4. We had tornadoes on Monday night but everyone is fine. We ended up at Gary & Martha's for dinner and decided to spend the night, until the kiddos woke up at 11:00pm screaming for some reason. After trying to calm them for 1 1/2 hrs, I made the decision to pack up and go home (and no, Gary & Martha never heard a thing...slept right through!). We drove around for a while and finally came home. Gave the kids another shot of Triamenic and put them in the trusty old swings. (Hallalujah my kids are still little squirts!) I finally went to sleep at 2am and woke up at 2:10 to what sounded like a tornado. The winds blew something into the bedroom window and shot me straight up in the bed. I don't remember ever hearing winds like that before and I have lived through many tornadoes in my lifetime. I turned the tv on and we weren't even under a tornado warning. I decided to ride it out before waking my precious angels who had FINALLY fallen back to sleep. After the winds calmed, I fell back asleep and then...back up at 3am to Keaton screaming. Nothing a little lovin and some more milk couldn't cure. OH, and have I mentioned that Ryan was out of town for all of this? I always seem to manage some type of drama and sleeplessness while he is gone. Everyone I have talked to is fine and I have only seen some trees down and part of a fence in our neighborhood. With as many as came through we are very lucky and blessed!
See how boring this is without pics?
Well, hopefully you have indulged me in reading through my barrage of random thoughts. I promise to mix in some pics once the camera drama is over. Speaking of, I have a meeting tomorrow with our media director at church to help out with taking updated pictures of all our ministries. I think this will be a great way to get some experience with my new camera and a great way to get involved at our wonderful church!
Til then!
Oh cool! Whole grapes! (Making Tim Allen AR-AR-AR sound) Keaton's the man!
Ok, your blog is NOT boring- even without pictures! The grapes story cracked me up- who knew that could happen?!??!?!
Oh the grapes!@!@??? I so get it! How do you do it by yourself when Ryan is out of town?? Jody is about to travel to D.C. for a week and it makes me want to cry.
Loved your post. Keep them coming. I look forward to a few good reads. So glad everyone is o.k. from the tornados!
You really deserve a blogger award for best poop stories. We've had our fair share of grossness this week. Boys are getting their top 2 teeth in and it seems to bother them digestively. And you have some luck with Ryan being gone. No wonder he took you to Arizona!!
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